School Board as a Pedagogical Strategy for Sustainability in Environmental Education. (Project execution)


  • Nayr Del Valle Rivas Silva Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, UPEL



school garden, pedagogical strategy, sustainability, environmental education


This research was designed as a purpose to establish the school garden as a pedagogical strategy of sustainability in environmental education with the students of the National Basic School "Sebastián Araujo Briceño" of the Pedraza Municipality Barinas State; The nature of research is qualitative, the method is Research Action. For the purposes of the present study, three (03) teachers and three (03) students who belong to the institution will participate as informers and enjoy recognized responsibility and commitment at the "Sebastián Araujo Briceño" National Basic School. The technique used is the semistructured interview, And the instrument the interview guide. The analysis of the information will be done through the codification, categorization, triangulation and structuring of theories. After implementing the activities with the school garden, it is hoped to conclude that children contribute to the care of the environment and maintain in harmony the ecological balance that should reign in any space where human beings live and coexist. In this way the educational institution will present an environmental aspect in accordance with the ecological principles of environmental education immersed in the National Basic Curriculum.


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How to Cite

Rivas Silva, N. D. V. (2017). School Board as a Pedagogical Strategy for Sustainability in Environmental Education. (Project execution). Revista Scientific, 2(Ed. Esp.), 355–375.