Strategic Lines of Communication in Development of Management and Human Skills


  • Rider Antonio Moreno Guillen Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, UPEL



strategic lines, communication, managerial skills


The objective of this study is to propose strategic lines of communication in the development of managerial and human skills at the Rural School Nucleus (NER) 187, Calderas parish, Bolívar municipality of Barinas state. The nature of the study was embedded in the quantitative paradigm, the type of research in the Feasible Project modality and the research design focused on a field study. The population and the sample were made up of thirty (30) teachers. For the collection of information, a questionnaire survey was designed with Likert scaling with five (05) response alternatives: Always, Almost Always, Sometimes, Almost Never and Never. The study concludes: infrequently the passive communication style is developed for the development of managerial and human skills. They consider that moderately the manager uses aggressive communication style to develop managerial skills. In addition, it lacks the use of assertive communication to develop managerial skills. Likewise, they lack technical skills, human skills and conceptual skills. These are relevant for the proposal of strategic lines in communication because it will accede to the strengthening of the managerial and human abilities of both the teacher and the school manager.


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How to Cite

Moreno Guillen, R. A. (2017). Strategic Lines of Communication in Development of Management and Human Skills. Revista Scientific, 2(Ed. Esp.), 376–393.