The importance of developing creativity in preschool children




creativity, children, development, preschool


The present work aims to inform the types of thought that students handle when capturing new information, since teachers in order to teach must know and differentiate the types of thought to help the student's evolution, among these thought models we have Two very important ones are: lateral thinking and vertical thinking. We will take these two models as a central point, on the one hand, we have vertical thinking that helps the student to develop creatively and reach a result without having to follow a procedure, while vertical thinking is the opposite, since for Reaching a result requires a series of steps to follow and if these steps are not followed, you may have an undesired result. The initial question that many teachers ask themselves when studying the two models of thought is, which model of thought is the appropriate one to teach a subject? This question is very complex since if we compare these models none is better than the other, since, both the lateral and the vertical have their advantages and disadvantages and these tools can be used in parallel.


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Author Biography

Conny Nathaly Morocho Idrovo, Universidad Católica de Cuenca, UCACUE

Nacida en Pasaje, Ecuador, el 22 de junio el año 1995. Me gradué como Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación con mención en pedagogía de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS), Cuenca, Ecuador; actualmente laboro como docente en educación general básica en la Unidad Educativa Santa Mariana de Jesús; desarrollé un proyecto de investigación acerca de las conductas disruptivas en niños de 3 - 5 años; colaboro de manera voluntaria en la Comunidad Educativa Particular Carlos Crespi II, con el fin de orientar a discentes en el proceso de aprendizaje en cuanto a proyectos de grado; trabajo como docente auxiliar en la Unidad Educativa Ciudad de Cuenca en inicial con infantes de 3 - 4 años.


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How to Cite

Morocho Idrovo, C. N. (2023). The importance of developing creativity in preschool children. Revista Scientific, 8(27), 81–97.