Higher Education in Ecuador in relation to the Inclusion of People with Disabilities
higher education, inclusive education, EcuadorAbstract
Reducing exclusion is a proposed goal within the framework of international regulations, in which governments and organizations come together to face it and in which Higher Education worldwide is working. The statistics regarding university students inserted in universities are not very encouraging, in Ecuador we have that only 1.29% of the population with disabilities according to the National Council for the Equality of Disabilities (CONADIS, 2020), are participating in this formation. Pedagogical praxis lacks training in education for the care of students with Specific Educational Needs, making this a determining factor in providing appropriate care. In Ecuador, the budget for higher education has decreased, which does not allow guaranteeing quality in inclusive processes, these resources must be managed by responding to the various edges and gearing attention to SEN (Deas and Bravo 2020). Considering the path traveled, it is imperative that the national governing level of higher education in Ecuador establish protocols that regulate and promote care for the university population with disabilities, regulations that are based on established public policies and that are applied. in all universities.
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