Relationship between Eating Disorders (ED) and feminine beauty ideals
disorder, advertising, femininityAbstract
One of the most common approaches to Eating Disorders (Eating Disorders) consists in pointing out the incidence of advertising images, which impose a kind of cult of extreme thinness, in body image disorders. The complexity of the symptomatology that characterizes eating disorders leads us to question this assumption, in which the word of women themselves is finally excluded and the analysis of social problems is privileged, which, without being unimportant, is insufficient to explain the Clinical manifestations of anorexia and bulimia nervosa. The objective of this research is to specify the ways in which social discourses linked to beauty ideals account for ED. Through a field investigation, using a qualitative approach and with the implementation of a descriptive and cross-temporal exploratory design, a group of women who have an eating disorder diagnosis and a group of women who do not have such a diagnosis were interviewed (control group), it will be demonstrated that the radical rejection of the body, the feminine and its manifestations is the main problem concerned in this type of disorders.
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