Initial Education in Ecuador: An analytical vision
preschool education, methodology, curriculum, teacherAbstract
The preschool level in Ecuador is becoming increasingly important due to research that has been carried out around children of this age and their capacity for learning. This work focuses on four key aspects of the educational process at this sub-level: the curriculum, the teacher, methodological guidelines, and evaluation. Through a reflective documentary analysis, it has been determined that there are important advances in defining guidelines for the pedagogical task in the preschool level, but there are still some elements that require attention for effective implementation. These elements include interculturality, the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), teacher training, and the revaluation of evaluation. It is important for teachers to have the necessary training to properly use ICT and take advantage of its educational potential. Finally, evaluation must be revalued and understood as a pedagogical tool for improving learning and not just as a measure of performance.
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