Difficulties that university students go through online: Quantitative study at UNAE
university, social problems, student, pandemicAbstract
The virtual classes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have generated a series of problems at all levels of education, including higher education. In this sense, the objective of this research is to analyze the problems presented by the students of the National University of Education (UNAE), in the basic and initial education careers, in the first academic period 2022 in virtual modality. For which the quantitative methodology was used, which allowed measuring the rates of some difficulties faced by students. Among the main results that stand out are: that 75.6% of students have been affected in their economy during the pandemic and that 52.8% have seen their learning affected during virtual classes. Therefore, it is concluded that UNAE students have had to face several problems such as: economic, emotional, learning difficulties, among others, for which authorities and teachers must generate strategies and spaces that allow knowing the true needs they are going through. students and above all provide an education that prepares them for new changes.
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