Epistemological obstacles and pedagogical imaginaries within the professional activities of teachers





quality, imaginary, obstacles


The research focuses on the pedagogical practices that teachers develop in learning scenarios and the theoretical assumptions they support; Based on the work objective, the epistemological obstacles and pedagogical beliefs held by teachers are determined, through an inquiry into their daily practices, for the establishment of parameters that promote quality services. Through a quantitative study, a survey was applied to teachers from District 03D01, Azogues-Biblián-Déleg, where perceptions of daily practices within learning environments were visualized. Through pedagogical accompaniments, the monitoring of managers and teachers was carried out through workshops. As results, the forms of interaction that they develop with students are considered to address pedagogical practices and their influence on professional performance and the factors that determine the expertise to serve students. Finally, the educational service must be the fundamental pillar of the State for social, cultural, political and economic development; since, it allows reinventing and innovating processes that can only be given from the educational field, through the implementation of effective methodological strategies where students are the protagonists in the construction of knowledge.


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Author Biography

Manuel Antonio González Avila, Ministerio de Educación, MINEDUC

Nacido en Azogues, Ecuador, el 21 de diciembre del año 1965. Magíster en Gerencia de Innovaciones Educativas por la Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo (UTEQ); Profesor de Segunda Enseñanza en Filosofía, Sociología y Economía por la Universidad de Cuenca (UCUENCA); y Licenciado en Filosofía, Sociología y Economía por la Universidad de Cuenca (UCUENCA); he trabajado 23 años como docente y directivo en el Ministerio de Educación del Ecuador; he cumplido funciones administrativas como rector; inspector general; y secretario de instituciones educativas fiscales y particulares; al momento cumplo las funciones de Asesor Educativo y Líder del Equipo de Asesores Educativos de la Coordinación de Educación Zona 6; he dictado cursos de perfeccionamiento docente en la Universidad de Cuenca (UCUENCA) y la Universidad Nacional de Educación (UNAE); he publicado artículos científicos en algunas revistas nacionales e internacionales; y ponente en Congresos Nacionales e Internacionales.


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How to Cite

González Avila, M. A. (2023). Epistemological obstacles and pedagogical imaginaries within the professional activities of teachers. Revista Scientific, 8(28), 39–54. https://doi.org/10.29394/Scientific.issn.2542-2987.2023.