Teacher Formation in Super Learning Techniques Applied to the Teaching of the Mathematic in the Education Secondary
super learning, mathematic, formationAbstract
The purpose of the study was to train LB "José Véliz" teacher for the teaching of mathematics through the application of super-learning techniques, based on the Research Participatory Action modality, proposed by López de Ceballos, (2008), following the model of the Lewin cycles of action (1946), quoted by Latorre (2007), based on the theories of humanism, Martínez (2009); multiple intelligence, Armstrong (2006); the Super learning of Sambrano and Stainer, (2003). Within the framework of the Critical - Social paradigm, in the type Qualitative Research, a plan of approach to the group was made, where through brainstorming and informal interviews the main problems were listed, which were hierarchized and then carried out an awareness - raising process. formulation of an overall plan of action. Among the results were 6 training workshops on techniques of breathing, relaxation, aromatherapy, music therapy, positive programming, color in the classroom, song in mathematical algorithms, in which processes of reflection were established on the benefits or obstacles obtained in the application of these in the transformation of the educational reality, elaborating a didactic strategy product of the experiences reached.
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