Formative Vision of the Quantitative Methodology in Education
vision, methodology, educationAbstract
The intentionality of this essay is to specify epistemic implications concerning a formative vision of quantitative methodology in the context of the educational sciences. It provides an analysis that considers the elements that integrate its characterization, such as nature, type and design of research, hypotheses, variable system, techniques and instruments of data collection, validity and reliability of a study oriented in this approach. For this, it was made a bibliographical review to base its development and to explain in a figurative way each of the aspects mentioned above. This approach, applied to scientific research, refers to the procedures to be followed in order to respond to a problem through the stated objectives, in line with the ontological, epistemological and praxeological conception of current social-discursive practices. All of this allowed to conclude that it is so important to incorporate all the elements required by the methodological framework of all research, as well as the pertinence of the choice of each and every one of them, taking into account the coherence required in the assumed paradigm. Consequently, one must be careful not to enter into contradictions or arbitrariness that obstruct the culmination of work, by confusing the terms used in it.
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