Strengthening of Environmental Education Through the Planting of Ornamental Plants
environmental education, plants, natural resourcesAbstract
The purpose of this research work is to develop ornamentation and afforestation activities to strengthen Environmental Education in the Sector 3 de Mayo. In Ciudad Bolivia, Pedraza Municipality, Barinas State. This work framed the qualitative paradigm supported by an action research. The key informants were represented in three May 3 sector inhabitants who with the characteristic of being active members of the Local Council of the locality: (1) one belonging to the education committee, (1) one that is part of the urban land committee and rural and (1) one member of the health committee. It was determined that the inhabitants of the community do not encourage activities of beautification and environmental awareness. The technique used to collect information was the interview, applying a contention script of (5) five open-ended questions related to the subject matter. Within the informants' testimonies the following findings were found, interviewees said that they lack training in relation to the subject of ornamentation and maintenance of green areas. Situation that requires the development of an action plan of ornamentation and afforestation to strengthen environmental education in the community.
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