Environmental Quality from the Community in the School Context


  • Elizabeth María Uzcategui Herrera Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, UPEL




environmental quality, community, school


The objective of the research was to study the perspectives of environmental quality in the educational context in the teachers of the Francisco Ribas Initial Education Center, Barinas municipality, Barinas state. The study responds methodologically to the qualitative paradigm. The type of study in an action research and field design. Five (05) subjects of study who work in the aforementioned institution were considered. The technique and instrument for collecting the information used was direct observation and as an instrument an in-depth interview. Hence, the technique and analysis of the information was categorized with the contents and proceeded to the Triangulation; likewise, the process of theorization was carried out. The results obtained were focused on: (1) Teachers maintain a positive attitude towards the environment from the educational action, through pedagogical orientations, conversations and reflections on the conservation of the environment; (2) The measures they take are through the reflection of reading short stories, cleaning the gardens, parks and rivers; (3) Actions were planned to guide the action plan framed in the conservationist thinking, positive attitude, promotion of actions to know, to be, to live together and to learn to do, quality of life in Environmental Education, teacher-student relationship. The conclusions were focused on the educators received with enthusiasm and conviction to improve the quality of life in the implementation of actions towards strengthening the environment.


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Author Biography

Elizabeth María Uzcategui Herrera, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, UPEL

Nacida en Maracay estado Aragua, Venezuela, el siete de enero de 1972. Realizó estudios de Primaria en el Colegio Manuel Antonio Carreño, Maracay estado Aragua. Secundaria en el Instituto Br. Elías Cordero Uzcategui, Barinas, Titulo Obtenido de Bachiller en Ciencias, Estudios Superior en la Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, Instituto de Mejoramiento Profesional del Magisterio (UPEL-IMPM), titulo obtenido de Profesor Especialidad en Educación Preescolar. Experiencia laboral Docente de Aula del Centro de Educación Inicial Bolivariano “Francisco Rivas”, municipio Barinas, desde el año escolar 2012, hasta la fecha actual.


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How to Cite

Uzcategui Herrera, E. M. (2018). Environmental Quality from the Community in the School Context. Revista Scientific, 3(9), 80–100. https://doi.org/10.29394/Scientific.issn.2542-2987.2018.