Strategies Technologies for the Strengthening of the Administration of the Hours at Distance

Project in Development




distance education, technology, educational strategies


The present article has as purpose to implement technological strategies for the strengthening of the administration of the distance hours of the Undergraduate Program in the Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, Instituto de Mejoramiento Profesional del Magisterio (UPEL-IMPM) Academic Extension Barinas, during the Academic Lapse 2018-I. The methodological framework of the research is based on a quantitative approach; The type and design of the study is a feasible project, to be developed in the phases of: diagnosis, feasibility, design, execution and evaluation of the proposal, supported by a field investigation. The population under study will be made up of thirty-five (35) teachers from the (UPEL-IMPM) undergraduate program. The data collection will be done through the questionnaire type survey, which will be validated by expert judgment and the reliability will be determined with the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient. At the conclusion of this research it is estimated to strengthen the administration of distance hours and the digital skills of undergraduate teachers.


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Author Biography

Nathaly Del Valle Mercado Toro, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, UPEL

Nacida en Barinas, Venezuela. Soy Licenciada en Contaduría (UNELLEZ, 2005), con Diplomado en Competencias Pedagógicas para Profesionales no Docentes (UPEL, 2015), Programa de Formación en Entornos Virtuales de Enseñanza y Aprendizaje (PFEVEA-UNELLEZ, 2017) y Experto en Educación Virtual (FATLA, 2018). Docente Libre (UNELLEZ, UNEFA e Instituto Tecnológico “Agustín Codazzi”), de las asignaturas Contabilidad I, II y III; Impuesto a la Producción y Planificación Fiscal; Organización y Administración de Empresas I y II; Relaciones Industriales; Teoría de las Relaciones Industriales; Organización y Sistemas; y Comunidades de Aprendizaje. Actualmente se desempeña como Administradora de la (UPEL-IMPM) Extensión Académica Barinas. Participa como Ponente en actividades académicas.


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How to Cite

Mercado Toro, N. D. V. (2018). Strategies Technologies for the Strengthening of the Administration of the Hours at Distance: Project in Development. Revista Scientific, 3(10), 136–153.