The Verbal Courtesy of Students Universities from the Pragmatics


  • Nelson Antonio Corredor Trejo Universidad Politécnica Territorial del Estado Mérida “Kléber Ramírez”, UPTMKR



speech, student, education


This essay aims to pragmatically approach the verbal courtesy of university students, particularly in their formal and informal communicative situations. For university teachers, one of the most striking features is based on the use that students give to vulgar words as forms of nominal treatment. In both formal and informal conversations, the groups establish linguistic differences that try to mark their group identity. Moreover, in its different communicative situations, it is common to hear terms and statements that indicate their desire to discredit their teachers using inappropriate words that manifest ignorance, voluntary or involuntary, by politeness. In their usual conversations, university students frequently use the vocative "marico", "marica" ​​and "güevón" as markers of discourse, words that for people outside their groups may denote a poor and vulgar language, for them they constitute words with meanings very different from the one given in the formal and academic language.


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Author Biography

Nelson Antonio Corredor Trejo, Universidad Politécnica Territorial del Estado Mérida “Kléber Ramírez”, UPTMKR

Nacido en Mérida, estado Mérida, Venezuela. Residenciado en Mérida, estado Mérida, Venezuela. Licenciado en Comunicación Social, Universidad Católica Cecilio Acosta. Maestría en Educación, Mención Lectura y Escritura. Docente Ordinario, Categoría Asociado, Dedicación Exclusiva. Universidad Politécnica Territorial del Estado Mérida “Kléber Ramírez”. Docente Investigador, Categoría A1, Programa de Estímulo a la Investigación e Innovación.


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How to Cite

Corredor Trejo, N. A. (2018). The Verbal Courtesy of Students Universities from the Pragmatics. Revista Scientific, 3(10), 330–343.