Role of the research teacher from his social practice
teacher, research project, social changeAbstract
In this article, from the theoretical point of view the role of the research teacher of the curricular unit projects, considered as the nerve unit of the current university programs, where different knowledge and actions for the execution of research that lead to social transformation are articulated. Given the process of university transformation in Venezuela, it is necessary to strengthen the role of the teacher as a researcher, tutor, advisor, facilitator and mediator of learning that contributes to the integral formation of the student with a critical vision for the solution of environmental problems. Theoretically it was based on the postulates of Hernández (2009); Saby (2012); Castro (2014); and Morillo (2009); among others. The methodology used was the literature review consulting research papers and articles of specialized journals. For this, the different actions and strategies to improve teacher performance during the development of research projects are proposed, through the development of competences that encompass the integrality of the human being. Finally, reflections are presented regarding the role of the teacher in the practice of scientific research and its relationship with the teaching-learning process in the context of university education.
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