Educational Training of Initial Education in the Attention of First Aid




training, teaching profession, child welfare


The absence of knowledge and the emotional effect that can be manifested at the time of being immersed in situations of risk that merit the application of first aid at a given time can cause problems in educational institutions, especially in the Early Education Centers. Therefore, the article presented was developed with the intention of showing the research advances, with the general purpose of implementing training experiences in first aid for teachers of initial education, specifically in the Guárico State Initial Education Center, Barinas parish of the Barinas municipality state Barinas, framed in the socio-critical approach and participatory action research method, taking as informants twelve (12) teachers and one (01) pedagogical coordinator of the mentioned Educational Center, which were selected because they belong to the same study context. Among the findings of the research are a change in attitudes of educational professionals towards training, which does not generate recharge of activities, but the use of formal and non-formal spaces within the institution. In addition, the active participation of educators in the development of experiences was achieved.


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Author Biography

María Eugenia Bolaños Pérez, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, UPEL

Nacida en la ciudad de Barinas, Venezuela. Inicié en el año 2005 como auxiliar en el preescolar C.E.I., Estado Guárico, Barinas. Me gradué como T.S.U. en Educación Inicial en el año 2009, en el Instituto Universitario de Tecnología “Coronel Agustín Codazzi”, donde luego me nivelan como docente de aula, continuo mis estudios en la Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador UPEL-IMPM, extensión Académica Barinas, donde obtengo el título como Profesor de Educación Inicial en el año 2017.


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How to Cite

Bolaños Pérez, M. E. (2019). Educational Training of Initial Education in the Attention of First Aid. Revista Scientific, 4(12), 183–200.