A look from the Burnout Syndrome to the Integral Management in the XXI Century
physiological effects, occupational diseases, mental stress, work attitudeAbstract
The objective of this article is to theorize the burnout syndrome in the integral management of the 21st century presented by the administrative staff of the Institute of Geography of the University of Los Andes as a prolonged response to work stress in the face of fatigue or emotional exhaustion; with the intention of optimizing the performance of the workers of said institution, through the diagnosis it was observed that there are interpersonal conflicts that contribute to organizational deterioration, reason why the proposal of a comprehensive management strategy for the prevention of said syndrome focuses on channeling the emotions. Methodologically, it is framed in a qualitative paradigm, supported by ethnomethodological research as a possible solution to a practical problem. It is intended to do an investigation to measure the degree of professional or occupational wear of each employee, to evaluate this way, if the personnel has excessive negative work stress which can lead to a distress due to the accumulation of stressful situations. It was recommended to decrease using tactics to address the nonconformities of workers and in turn improve the working environment by reactivating the productive attitudes of the staff, the formation of work teams, motivation and incentives and delegation of tasks. Subsequently, it is exhorted that this proposal can be applied and disseminated in other organizations concerned about the development and performance of their staff and thus ensure their job growth.
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