Phenomenological view from the Research Competencies in the Research Lines of the UNESR




methodology, research, university education


The praxis of the researcher, reflects his thinking and a work forged in educational institutions that have contributed cultural perspectives, based on individual and group experiences, product of an academic group sharing, contributing to the process of acquisition of Research Competencies. From there, the general purpose of the article is to analyze the phenomenological methodology related to the Research Competencies that the university student develops in the Research Lines of the National Experimental University “Simón Rodríguez” (UNESR). Methodologically, it corresponds to the Interpretive Paradigm, the phenomenological methodological route used, was the model of Rodríguez, Gil and García (1996). The key actors in the study were four (4) graduates of the Master of Science in Advanced Education Education, who developed their research in four (4) lines of research at UNESR, Valera Nucleus. That is, 1. Strengthening Initial Education (LinFEI); 2. Language and Literature Researchers (ILLA); 3. Management and Technology (LinGERTEC); and 4. Education and Poverty (CEDIEPO). The information was collected through the technique: Interviews in Depth, in total there were twelve (12) interviews. As a result, there were three (3) categories to generate the Integrated Investigative Competencies such as: Knowledge Knowledge Competence; Competence of Knowing Being and Competence of Knowing How.


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Author Biography

Yolanda del Carmen Díaz de Salas, Universidad Nacional Experimental “Rafael María Baralt”, UNERMB

Nacida en la ciudad de Valera, estado Trujillo, Venezuela, el 21 de noviembre del 1956. Profesional universitaria en el área de Gerencia de Recursos Humanos; Doctora en Ciencia de la Educación, egresada de la Universidad Nacional Experimental “Rafael María Baralt” (UNERMB); He participado como Docente Contratada en la Universidad Nacional Experimental Politécnica de la Fuerza Armada (UNEFA), Betijoque, estado Trujillo; Desempeño el cargo de docente de aula, en la Universidad Bolivariana de Venezuela (UBV), Municipio Valera, estado Trujillo. Además, poseo conocimientos avanzados en cuanto al manejo de Windows XP; Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint); Lulo Software; AutoCAD Avanzado 2D e Internet.


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How to Cite

Díaz de Salas, Y. del C. . (2020). Phenomenological view from the Research Competencies in the Research Lines of the UNESR. Revista Scientific, 5(15), 269–287.