Transformation of Learning from the Social Approach




learning, social interaction, education system, pedagogy


The essay aims to build a prospective vision on the transformation of learning from the social approach, drawn from the sociocultural theories of Vigotsky (1982) and symbolic interactionism, whose perspective is to promote a model that induces the subject -as an active entity- to transform their learning in a conscious and intentional way starting from the thought schemes constructed through the social interaction established in the course of their life, in this way, to promote the learning based on the protagonism of the subject and oriented to the acquisition of new pedagogical visions by teachers, promoting the transformation of the educational process.


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Author Biography

Karen Tatiana Quintero Gutiérrez, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, UPEL

Nacida en Mérida, Venezuela, el 31 de diciembre del año 1978. Profesora en Educación Integral con Distinción Magna Cum Laude de la Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (UPEL); Postgrado en Planificación y Evaluación de la Educación en la Universidad Santa María. Docente de educación primaria y Docente de pregrado y postgrado en la UPEL.


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How to Cite

Quintero Gutiérrez, K. T. (2019). Transformation of Learning from the Social Approach. Revista Scientific, 4(13), 322–334.