Citizenship and Social Transformation




citizenship, changing society, society


Citizenship from the old to the contemporary age has presented a transformation of meaning within society, reflected in the development of man as a social being and his behavior for change. This essay offers a summary of a historical breakthrough in order to make a description of social advances with the gradual incorporation of the rights of the individual influenced by religion, in such a way that the expression of citizenship has achieved a certain social transformation with this influence religious, in which the citizen was the one who, in addition to fulfilling the obligations described above, had to comply with the laws of God. This is how the citizenship relates to coexistence and Christianity. Taking as reference the foregoing and the advance of history framed in the technological field, the transformation of citizenship and for the current modernist era arises democracy as a way to consider the citizen a being surrounded by political rights of participation, all this , in turn, framed within the different models of citizenship that are weaving their own characteristics depending on the social scope of development.


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Author Biography

Sonia María Peña Guzmán, Universidad Latinoamericana y del Caribe, ULAC

Nacida en Falcón, Venezuela, el 2 de junio del año 1954. Profesora de Castellano, egresada de la Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador “Rafael Alberto Escobar Lara”; Especialista en Planificación y Evaluación de la Educación, Universidad Santa María; Magister Scientiarum en Educación Superior, Universidad Nacional experimental de la Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana (UNEFA); Doctorante en Ciencias de la educación, Universidad Latinoamericana y del Caribe (ULAC), Caracas, Venezuela; Profesora de postgrado UNEFA, Miranda, Venezuela; Coordinadora de la carrera Maestría en Educación Superior, UNEFA; Profesora jubilada en el área de Castellano. Directora en ejercicio de la Unidad Educativa Estadal “Dolores González”.


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How to Cite

Peña Guzmán, S. M. (2019). Citizenship and Social Transformation. Revista Scientific, 4(13), 363–376.