Contributions of curricular reforms to compulsory education in Ecuador
educational reform, educational plans, diversification of educationAbstract
The curricular reforms of compulsory education in recent years in Ecuador have influenced, fundamentally, the enrichment of the structure of the proposals, whose increasing complexity has tried to respond to the needs of the teaching action; in the progressive redefinition of what we understand by the contents of education, and in the delimitation of the responsibilities of curriculum construction, as a means of addressing the diversity of educational scenarios in the country. The present work analyzes from these elements the evolution of the different curricular reforms of the country, specifically, those of the year 1996, 2010 and 2016, consigned the main contributions with which these reforms have contributed to the education of the country, among which there are better conditions for the attention of diversity, curricular orientations conceived for the enrichment of the educational act, a definition of the contents in accordance with a comprehensive education approach, and the delegation of responsibilities in the construction of the curriculum to the teaching teams for a better contextualization of the teaching and learning process.
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