Importance of the Self-Concept for the Construction of Knowledge
concept formation, structure of knowledge, learning, cognition, pedagogyAbstract
Through this essay, we intend to study the importance of self-concept for the construction of knowledge, based on authors such as Markus (1977); González and Tourón (1992); Fernández and Goñi (2008); Pérez and Quintero (2016), describing from the most complex of today's society how the individual is able to recognize and define themselves in order to select the cognitive and metacognitive strategies necessary and appropriate to develop a quality educational activity, therefore it is based on the Research line Cognitive Processes in Early Childhood Education: Theoretical-Methodological Concepts for its approach in children and teachers of the Libertador Experimental Pedagogical University (UPEL), focused on the systematic analysis of the thought processes that occur in the construction of knowledge such as: attention, perception, concentration, memory, analysis, synthesis, elaboration of concepts, among others.
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