Resignification of the research function as a university educational priority: Theoretical review for reflection
research, research project, scientific capability, university, scienceAbstract
This article combines the bibliographic review and the experience of the authors as researchers and tutors of research projects at the Zulia Polytechnic Territorial University (UPTZ), in order to reflect on the resignification of the research function as a university priority in the development of the scientific and technological capacity of nations. It was based on the approaches of the authors Arocena and Sutz (2016); Henao, García, Aguirre, González, Bracho, Solorzano and Arbolado (2017); Carvajal (2010); Tamayo and Restrepo (2011); Amaya (2011); Delgado and Alfonzo (2019); Alfonzo and Villegas (2017), among others. The methodology corresponds to the bibliographic review, in which texts, research and articles from specialized magazines referring to the study topic were consulted. The reflections generated through the theoretical review of the research function within universities are based on the following premises: ways of approaching research; collective construction of knowledge; research as a university educational priority; research institutionalization; and linking research with the social and productive context. Finally, the research function within university institutions must be supported by the collective construction of science, so that they respond to the needs and / or problems of the communities.
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