Information Management and Communication Management in companies that use secure trade rules
management, information, communication, normative, foreign tradeAbstract
The companies that are part of the supply chain in foreign trade in Ecuador, maintain their organizational development based on processes regulated by cargo safety standards, among which are the Basic Alliance for Secure Commerce (BASC) that they use They are transversal to the treatment of information and communication, but they are not explicitly stated. The objective of this research was to systematize theoretical assumptions about the components of Information Management (GI); and the Communication Management (GC), that allow to propose a model for its integration in processes regulated by BASC norms as a contributing resource. The research carried out has a qualitative focus and the applied method is the phenomenographic supported by semi-structured interviews with experts in order to analyze their procedures for dealing with information and internal and external communication of companies. It was found that organizations do not adequately manage information and communication, since they do not apply info-communicational principles, but instead focus on isolated treatments, regulations and in many cases only guided by technological means. Consequently, a first generic info-communication model is proposed that allows integrating the information and communication components for the benefit of organizational management.
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