COVID-19 Pandemic and Virtualization of Classrooms: The Importance of Play




social isolation, education, play, digitization


Currently, the pandemic that affects the entire planet has produced changes. Putting us in context and according to Arrizabalaga (1992): the word “pandemic” etymologically comes from the Greek expression pandêmonnosêma, translated as disease of the entire people, this has led to different decisions being made to approach the teaching-learning process. This essay seeks to collate the importance of play and the generation of playful learning instances in this new methodology imposed by the health contingency. To achieve the analysis of the object of study, a systematic review was carried out from formal sources, of the effects of the use of screens, of teacher digitization and of how to enhance these instruments in order to achieve the learning results.


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Author Biography

Ximena Paz Martínez Oportus, Universidad Mayor, UM

Nacida en Concepción, Chile, el 6 de junio del año 1977. Médico Veterinario; Magister en Ciencias Veterinarias de la Universidad de Chile (UCHILE); Magister en Dirección de Instituciones de Salud, por la Universidad Mayor (UM); Dieciocho años de experiencia clínica y de Docencia Universitaria; Diplomada en Docencia Efectiva, en Psicología Budista y en Metodología de Investigación Cuantitativa; Experiencia docente y de investigación en la Universidad de Chile (UCHILE),  en la Facultad de Medicina Norte y la Facultad de Bioquímica de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC); Actualmente, docente de pregrado y postgrado en Neurociencias básicas y Neurociencias de la Educación; Directora Regional de Postgrados, en la Facultad de Ciencias, de la Universidad Mayor (UM), Temuco, Chile.


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How to Cite

Martínez Oportus, X. P. (2020). COVID-19 Pandemic and Virtualization of Classrooms: The Importance of Play. Revista Scientific, 5(17), 370–383.