Understanding the educational thought of Monsignor Jesús Jáuregui (1848-1905) from the world of the text
thought, interpretation, texts, discourseAbstract
The thought of Monsignor Jesús Manuel Jáuregui Moreno has dealt with many epistemological and methodological perspectives, one of them is historiography, where the event, the testimony and the dated trace is the guiding principle. Faced with this situation, the study of Mons. Jáuregui is proposed from another approach: the hermeneutics of the text. Here, the present research has as its central purpose to understand their educational thinking starting with the world of the text. The theoretical importance of the work lies in the possibility of making a contribution to the re-understanding of thought in light of contemporaneity. In methodological terms the work corresponds to an investigation oriented in the human-interpretive paradigm, with a type of analytical-interpretive investigation, supported by the Hermeneutical method in the conception of Ricoeur (2002), in the theory of the text and characterized by following a Procedural design built from hermeneutics and specified in the interpretation contained in mimesis I, II, III (prefiguration-configuration and refiguration). For this purpose, four pedagogical works were performed. In conclusion, the educational thought of Jáuregui understood in the world of the text, should be considered: Romantic; Neo-scholastic; Multiparadigmatic; and Syntagmatic.
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