Cultural dimension of education: An approach to classical theories thought in the light of our days
culture, education, educational sociology, cultural diversityAbstract
This essay consists of a reflection on the current cultural circumstances in which education takes place. The purpose is to understand educational practices as one more component of the cultural dimension of human life and, therefore, crossed by its characteristics (modernity, racism, homogenization). For this, we have reviewed classical authors from the Critical Theory of Culture, such as Echeverría (2001); Nietzsche (1996); Freud (1992); Adorno and Horkheimer (1998); Quijano (2000); and Castro (2014) and we analyze the validity of their texts. The main topics to be addressed are: culture as an essential sphere of human life, the reasons that justify its existence and certain particularities of this modern culture such as cultural industries, homogenization and racism. The conclusion of this reflection is that the role of education is, now and as always, fundamental in the slogan of outlining a cultural dimension that generates more just and egalitarian practices and representations.
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