Business intelligence for decision making: An approach from the strategic direction of educational institutions
information technology, education, decision making, communicationAbstract
Information Technologies (IT) are a resource of great importance in organizations, as they allow the automation and optimization of their processes. Within educational institutions (EI), IT plays a decisive role in strategic direction, therefore, it is necessary to process and analyze the data obtained from different information sources and present them to the users responsible for decision-making through graphics interpretable. Business Intelligence (BI) is a computer solution that automates these tasks based on the main management indicators of the organization and contributes to the decision-making process. The objective of this essay is to address the role of business intelligence in the decision-making process in the framework of the strategic direction of IE, which has been little studied in this application dimension. For this, a theoretical analysis of the fundamentals of strategic management, information systems, business intelligence and decision-making was carried out, emphasizing the information needs of the IEs. It was concluded that strategic direction requires the support of BI systems to make decisions based on the rational analysis of information.
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