Agroecological Tourism: The integration between face-to-face and virtuality
university education, long distance education, online learning, teaching-learning, agroecological tourismAbstract
In a 21st century where university education is going through turbulence, the Ezequiel Zamora National Experimental University of the Western Llanos (UNELLEZ), Barinas, Venezuela, is not excluded from the present challenges. The current edge is technology, modifying the ways of learning in students being more visual and interactive. It is there, where the cognitive revolution through the creation and innovation of striking forms enters the university field to draw the attention of young people to the contents of learning. The germination of new careers towards virtuality is necessary, the presence of a facilitator teacher, who, through interaction, transforms knowledge into questions to awaken reasoning in students and help them find the answers to their concerns. The objective of the essay proposes to offer a reflection on significant change in the virtual teaching-learning processes in the Bachelor's Degree Training Program in Agroecological Tourism (PFGLTA), where you learn by doing leading to learning by learning, analysis, reflection through experiences and the experiences becoming familiar with the acquisition of virtual notions through digital tools to touch the sensitive realities of the environment of Agroecological Tourism, gain interest in the tourist field.
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