Work Plan Based on the Implementation of the Technical Square Foot Gardening as an Alternative to the Use of Solid Waste Organics


  • Sandra Yolimar Delgado Briceño Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, UPEL



work plan, square foot gardening, organic solid waste


This research aims to promote a work plan based on the implementation of the technique of Square Foot Gardening as an alternative to the use of organic solid waste in the community of Barrio El Paraiso del Sector San Rafael de la Barinitas Parish Bolivar County Barinas State during the period 2014-2015. The study was part of the qualitative paradigm under the method of participatory action research. The technique used for collecting information was participant observation and interview, using an audiovisual record face to face and as an instrument interview guide, with a design of field research. Key informants make up the three residents of the community. The authenticity and viability of the instrument was applied through triangulation, in regard to technical information analysis table of categories with which comparisons and contrasts were made possible was developed. With the promotion of this plan it is to permanently reduce the accumulation of organic solid waste, improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of the aforementioned sectors, conserving and preserving the environment around them.


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How to Cite

Delgado Briceño, S. Y. (2017). Work Plan Based on the Implementation of the Technical Square Foot Gardening as an Alternative to the Use of Solid Waste Organics. Revista Scientific, 2(3), 310–324.

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