Procrastination and increased stress in teachers and university students in the face of online education




procrastination, stress, online teaching, social confinement


The incidence of the pandemic in the world has given an exponential turn to social processes and, therefore, to the modality of training in the academic procedures of all educational institutions. With this and in accordance with the analysis of procrastination and its incidence in the increase of stress in both students and university teachers, who have had to adapt to online teaching, which has been proposed as an objective, the need to observe these behaviors Through the methodological application that considered the mixed quali-quantitative approach, supported by a descriptive analysis. It has been necessary to review and prioritize theoretical budgets of various published documents; In addition, a structured questionnaire was applied to an intentional sample, which has allowed to obtain as results, the analysis of procrastination behaviors and characteristics of stress that have been increased in the studied sample, such as: emotions, thoughts, behaviors and physical changes which help to propose the appropriate use of time in all academic and social activities, to facilitate the achievement of daily tasks, propose alternative solutions minimizing the impact and developing attitudes of support to the teaching and learning management of university students.


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Author Biography

César Raúl Méndez Carpio, Universidad Católica de Cuenca, UCACUE

Nacido en Cuenca, Ecuador, el 22 de febrero del año 1971. Dr. En Ciencias de la Educación, especialidad Ordenadores en la Universidad Católica de Cuenca (UCACUE); Magister en Docencia y Currículo para la Educación Superior en la Universidad Técnica de Ambato (UNITA); Magister en Administración de Empresas en la Universidad del Azuay (UDA); Actualmente me desempeño como Jefe de Investigación en el Colegio Militar “Abdón Calderón” y como docente en la Universidad Católica de Cuenca (UCACUE), en las Asignaturas: Estadística Aplicada, Metodología de Investigación, Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación.


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How to Cite

Méndez Carpio, C. R. (2021). Procrastination and increased stress in teachers and university students in the face of online education. Revista Scientific, 6(20), 62–78.

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