Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Emotional Intelligence of Students in Peru
Efectos de la Pandemia COVID-19 en la Inteligencia Emocional de Estudiantes en Perú
emotional intelligence, students, basic education, COVID-19, pandemic, PeruAbstract
Emotional intelligence plays a fundamental role in students' well-being and academic success, especially during challenging situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic. This article aims to describe the characteristics and development of emotional intelligence in basic education students in Peru during the pandemic, through a systematic review of recent research. A qualitative methodology of documentary analysis was employed, selecting 15 studies conducted in Peru between 2020-2022 that evaluated emotional intelligence in samples of preschool, primary, and secondary students. The results revealed a significant impact due to social isolation, with percentages of students requiring improvement in their emotional skills ranging from 29,4% in preschool, 61,0% - 62% in primary, to 49,0% - 71,3% in secondary education. Additionally, positive correlations were identified between emotional intelligence and variables such as meaningful learning, resilience, and quality of life. It is concluded that the development of emotional intelligence is crucial to promote comprehensive well-being and learning in Peruvian students, with socio-emotional strategies and effective tutorial action being necessary to mitigate the adverse effects of the pandemic.
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