Outpatient care management model to improve service quality
service quality, care management, health service, health policyAbstract
The stated objective was to formulate a care management model in outpatient gynecology that allows contributing to improve the quality of service, El Empalme Basic Hospital, 2022. Regarding the Methods and Materials, it was a basic-projective Research, non-experimental design, applied, quantitative and transversal with levels of knowledge, descriptive, explanatory, predictive and prospective with ordinal logistic regression analysis that validates the theoretical functional model of the proposal. The sample was 166 patients from the gynecological service. The results reflected that care management and service quality were located at the average level of 99% and 90.9%, respectively. There is evidence that the ordinal logistic regression model fits the data set where interpersonal skills with a Wald value of 0.039 p<0.05 is significant, so interpersonal skills = 2: Media entered the model considering it determinant for the existing quality average of the service provided by the El Empalme Basic Hospital. The Model was predicted: Quality of service=2 Mean = -0.218 + 0.446 Interpersonal skills = 2: Mean. In conclusion, the management of management focuses on offering a quality service to the patient and his family, arises from the right to access to health, and that it is timely, warm, safe and optimal.
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