Shared learning through the student portfolio: experiences of teachers in training
shared learning, english career, teacher in training, hermeneutics, student portfolioAbstract
This research aims to present the meanings and interpretations of the oral accounts and written testimonies of the future teachers of the Pedagogy of National and Foreign Languages (PINE) career, presenting the student portfolio as a tool that enhances shared learning, from the experiences of teachers in training in the period May-September 2020. In the methodological aspect, the qualitative paradigm and the hermeneutic method were used, for this a semi-structured interview and content analysis were applied. The instruments applied were the interview guide and the student portfolio respectively; same that were analyzed from the following categories: activities that promote the axiological dimension, activities that stimulate reflection and activities that promote the role of the student. The main conclusion of this investigative process is that the portfolio is conceived as a didactic tool for shared and permanent learning; For its effectiveness, a look with a proactive perspective of the teacher and axiological of the student is required, in such a way that the teacher in training is enriched as a student and is didactically nurtured as a future teacher-researcher.
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