Importance of formative evaluation from the diversification of the curriculum
formative assessment, curricular diversification, teaching process, learningAbstract
This article is part of a project of the National University of Education (UNAE), whose purpose was to analyze the importance of formative evaluation in the context of curriculum diversification. The quantitative methodology was used to collect and analyze numerical and statistical data, through the application of a survey to 25 teachers that allowed to determine the conception of formative evaluation and its diversification, as well as the classroom observation of 25 classes, for the identification of the strategies used to achieve skills with performance criteria. For data analysis, descriptive statistics were used with the support of the IBM SPSS Statistics program. The results show that without the implementation of the formative evaluation from the curricular diversification, teachers may have difficulties to monitor the progress of the students and provide specific and timely feedback, allowing to conclude that in the educational institution where the study was carried out, they are not governed by models that favor a diversified process according to the reality of classroom contexts, which negatively affects the teaching and learning process for the development of skills with performance criteria.
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