Sowing of Organophonic Crops as a Teacher Praxis Centralized in Motivational Learning Strategies
organoponic cultures, teacher praxis, learning strategies, motivation, school truancyAbstract
This study is aimed at teachers of the Aristides Rojas Educational Unit to identify the causes and consequences of school absenteeism, this problematic situation is evident in the records of control carried out daily and must be attended due to the rise of student absenteeism. The tutor, level coordinator, social pedagogy, student welfare and representatives must activate a plan in order to comply with the current legal regulations. School absenteeism affects the quality of student learning resulting in poor school performance, difficulty for communicating, weaknesses in teamwork, and conflicts with the community at large. The purpose of the study is to promote in students the participation in the learning processes, attending permanently to the school activities. The strategies used were framed in an action plan that included different activities. The methodology was centered on action research, centered on Habermas' theory of knowledge interests (1968), with legal bases, providing conclusive reflections that make it possible to sensitize the community in general about this weakness that undermines education as an Opportunity to learn science, arts and crafts for life.
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