Teaching Role: Joint Activity and Meaningful Experience
Rol Docente: Actividad Conjunta y Experiencia Significativa
teacher role, learning, joint activity, reflection, experience, educationAbstract
Socioconstructivist perspectives on learning have highlighted and deemed fundamental in the learning process Leont'ev (1974); activity theory and Dewey (2004); educational experience. In this context, they focus on the importance of the learner as the center of the educational process and the role of the teacher as a guide and mediator. In this sense, activity theory briefly addresses the interaction between subject and object, and the social nature of the human mind. It also emphasizes the importance of educational experience as a relevant aspect in the construction of new and meaningful learning. Furthermore, it underscores the relevance of creating stimulating learning environments that connect previous experiences with new ones, promoting continuity and interaction, highlighting the construction of varied and challenging educational experiences. Thus, the reflective teaching role is addressed as a designer of activities that foster the development of significant learning, considering inclusion and personalization of learning. It concludes with the need to create learning environments that allow active participation, critical analysis, and reflection on educational practices.
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