Teaching Management in the Context of Venezuelan Primary Education


  • Marilin Pastora Arrieche Cordero Universidad Fermín Toro, UFT




management, teaching, education


One of the fundamental aspects of a country is the training of its students, so the topic addressed in this essay is the Teaching Management of Primary Education in the Venezuelan Educational context. Taking into consideration that the education of children and adolescents will depend on the development of the educator, where he must be updated on the advances of knowledge, especially in the pedagogical part and as subject in interaction with his disciples, he must know them and center his action in love and dialogue, therefore in that plenitude of managing the educational praxis the teacher of life who seeks the excellence of his students, in order to carry out that source of knowledge of that reality, where the teacher and the learner, thus combining knowledge and experiences, promote that change of mentality that transforms the subject that imparts culture, in a deep dialogue to achieve an education for life, achievement, and change. A Venezuelan educational system that lives up to the great transformations and global changes, so that paradigm of innovation is to establish and build justice, equity and peace. An instruction that carries ideas that form the Venezuelan citizen, for the progress and development of the people, in the educational, socioeconomic, cultural and religious field.


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Author Biography

Marilin Pastora Arrieche Cordero, Universidad Fermín Toro, UFT

Nacida en Venezuela. Profesora en Educación Comercial (Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador Barquisimeto), Magíster en Educación Técnica. (Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador Barquisimeto). Diplomado en la Enseñanza del Inglés para la Escuela Primaria (Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador Barquisimeto en convenio con el Consulado Británico). Estudiante de Doctorado en Ciencias de la Educación en la UFT. Docente titular activo del Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación en la escuela Bolivariana Jornada Completa “Ciudad de Maracaibo”. Categoría docente V, subdirectora.


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How to Cite

Arrieche Cordero, M. P. (2018). Teaching Management in the Context of Venezuelan Primary Education. Revista Scientific, 3(7), 354–373. https://doi.org/10.29394/Scientific.issn.2542-2987.2018.

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