Towards a Theory of Humanistic Risk in Social Responsibility of Reciprocal Guarantees from Complexity




social responsibility, humanism, economic analysis, globalization


The objective of the article is to generate a humanistic theory based on social responsibility, with the purpose of investigating reciprocal guarantees in complex times, ontologically being and doing as an integral process, examining the effect of granting the bond on the risk of society. Currently, the national guarantee system shows axiological principles in the risk culture of human beings. In financial institutions ambiguity and entropy generates low liquidity exposing high levels of uncertainty which makes leverage inefficient. Methodologically, the phenomenological qualitative paradigm will be used, taking into account the key informants which will be made up of four (04) managers or owners of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), located in the Municipality of Libertador and Campo Elías. This unstable environment makes the financial system sensitive to hyperinflation because of the high costs since there is no perfect competition in the economy, also, the low exchange rate growth due to its complexity is detonating for the institutions in which both the micro and macroeconomically affects the advantage competitive sustainable and sustainable.


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Author Biography

Carlos Liborio Camacho Quintero, Universidad de Los Andes, ULA

Nacido en Mérida, estado Mérida, Venezuela, el 25 de marzo del año 1971. Post-Doctor en Gerencia para el Desarrollo Humano (ULA); Doctor en Gerencia Avanzada; Doctorando en Ciencias de la Educación; Magíster Scientiarum en Gerencia Empresarial; Especialista en Telemática e Informática en Educación a distancia (EaD); Ingeniero de Sistemas; Licenciado en Administración de Empresas; Técnico Superior Universitario en Informática; Técnico Superior Universitario en Administración Mención Mercadotecnia. Componente Docente de la Universidad de los Andes (ULA); Diplomado en Componente Docente en Educación a Distancia; Diplomado Internacional en TIC; Investigador PEII ONCTI - PEII ULA; Experto de la Fundación para la Actualización Tecnológica de Latinoamérica (FATLA) en: Educación Virtual, Administración Web y Comercio Electrónico; dominio de ingles técnico; manejo de programas bajo ambiente Windows; instructor Linux y Web Master.


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How to Cite

Camacho Quintero, C. L. (2020). Towards a Theory of Humanistic Risk in Social Responsibility of Reciprocal Guarantees from Complexity. Revista Scientific, 5(15), 87–105.