Preventive Actions of the Deterioration of Soils as an Alternative to Promote Conservatory Culture


  • Yoveisy Del Carmen González Izarra Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, UPEL



environmental education, environmental conservation, soil conservation


The purpose of the following investigation, part of developing preventive actions of the deterioration of soils as an alternative for the promotion of the conservationist culture in the inhabitants of Caserío La Barinesa, Bolívar Municipality of Barinas State, in the period 2015-2016. The research strategy is oriented towards the qualitative paradigm. Regarding the type of study, it will be focused on a Participatory Action Research; while the design will be framed in the interpretative qualitative paradigm, focused on five (5) phases or a tour of it. In relation to the study subjects, the universe will be used, comprising two (02) spokespersons of the Communal Council of the Environment Commission and two (02) inhabitants and one (01) tobacco producer. Similarly, with the study techniques will be based on narrative records of the phenomena studied, Therefore, the research will interact with key informants through informal and spontaneous conversation. For the collection of information will work through: categorization, triangulation and theorization. Finally, it can be established that the scope of the application of a plan for the prevention of soil deterioration by the generation of waste in the cooking of tobacco (toxic waste) as an alternative for the promotion of the conservationist culture in the inhabitants of Caserío The Barinasa, would come to do an educational work that orients the population and contributes to the formation of the new generations.


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Author Biography

Yoveisy Del Carmen González Izarra, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, UPEL

Nacida en Barinitas estado Barinas, Venezuela. Realicé mi educación Superior en el Instituto Universitario de Tecnología “Coronel Agustín Codazzi”, Barinas. Obteniendo el título de T.S.U. en Educación Integral; seguidamente realicé la educación Superior en la Universidad Pedagógica Libertador, UPEL, Barinas; donde obtuve le título de Profesora en Educación Integral; en la actualidad me despeño como docente de Aula en el NER 610 de la Parroquia Barinitas estado Barinas, Venezuela.


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How to Cite

González Izarra, Y. D. C. (2018). Preventive Actions of the Deterioration of Soils as an Alternative to Promote Conservatory Culture. Revista Scientific, 3(10), 175–195.