Andean knowledge framework from the concept: Tupthaptaña Pacha in Intercultural Bilingual Education
education, knowledge, symbolAbstract
In this process of searching for parameters of knowledge and construction of knowledge that give us all sense of order, understanding and essence of why? of the things of life to understand and generate a conscious and logical learning rooted from two transpersonal dimensions of the Human Being "Rune" intuited from the heart and perceived from reason or vice versa, in this way all ancestral cultures in their temporal transit through life "Wiñaymarka" developed science, art, technology under stellar parameters and geometric matrix systems present in the fractal of the magic square "tihuanacota", the auric mathematics of the rainbow "k'uychi/kürmi" colors of nature spaced from the red, yellow and blue color reflected in the ancestral luni-solar calendar figured by the presence and absence of “Achik” light, all established as techniques, practical resources to be applied in the Bilingual Intercultural Education Centers or in daily living of the human being in the construction of "Amawtic" knowledge with science, recorded in the forms, colors, textures and sacred iconographies as a synthesis of their cosmogony, perceived from the spirituality of the heart in interconnection from reason.
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