Alternatives to Transform the Evaluation into the University Practice
evaluation of learnings, qualitative evaluation, university practiceAbstract
To speak about evaluation is a very complex topic since it implies making a deep analysis of the learning process one and since the above mentioned concept has been applied in the reality, principally in the university institutions, where in general the teachers know as evaluation the qualification or marks that they can assign to his/her pupils to check the successful learnings. The goal of this research is to propose some alternatives for transforming the evaluation of the learnings in the educational university practice. For the design of the investigation there appear two aspects to consider for the university teacher based on the instruments suggested to the teacher and the considerations that it brings over of the constructivist approach across the qualitative evaluation. In conclusion, it is possible to say that the teachers of university education apply a type of traditional evaluation, in a quantitative form, forgetting that the evaluation is an external element to the activity to learn.
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