Management skills: Tools to strengthen the organizational culture in the educational field




skill, manager, organizational culture


The objective of this essay is to highlight the importance of managerial skills as tools that the manager possesses to strengthen the organizational culture in the educational field. Taking as reference the Technical, Human, Conceptual or Strategic Skills, with special emphasis on human skills such as: assertive communication, interpersonal relationships and managerial leadership. In Venezuela, educational organizations focus their attention on a series of indicators such as: social values, commitment to their objectives and organizational culture, where the key tools to ensure the efficiency of management processes are: mediation between the interests of the Management team and Teachers' needs, efficient directive action, the creation of integration spaces through the implementation of these skills. The theoretical and conceptual foundations were based on contributions from authors such as Koontz, Weihrich and Cannice (2012); Chaparro (2015); Duarte (2013); Rodríguez (2019); Ramírez (2019); Robbins (2004). This documentary-type research highlights the importance of establishing a motivating and integrating environment among the team that manages the School from the practice of a flexible and humanistic management style.


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Author Biography

Egvani Regían Marín Quero, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, UPEL

Nacida en Puerto Cabello, Venezuela, el 1 mayo del año 1981. Realicé mis estudios de pregrado en la Universidad de Carabobo (UC), obteniendo el título de Licenciada en Educación, mención Orientación, en el año 2005; y graduada como Abogada, en la Universidad Bolivariana de Venezuela (UBV) en el año 2016; desempeño funciones de orientación y asesoramiento en la Unidad Educativa Integral Colegio José Antonio Maitin en Puerto Cabello, estado Carabobo, Venezuela.


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Koontz, H., Weihrich, H., & Cannice, M. (2012). Administración: Una perspectiva Global Empresarial. 14ª Edición, ISBN: 978-607-15-0759-4. México: McGraw-Hill.

Ramírez, L. (2019). Relaciones Interpersonales en el Ámbito Laboral. Trabajo Recepcional. Tlaquepaque, Jalisco: Universidad Jesuita de Guadalajara. Recuperado de:

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How to Cite

Marín Quero, E. R. (2020). Management skills: Tools to strengthen the organizational culture in the educational field. Revista Scientific, 5(18), 276–288.

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