Epistemological vision of the holistic and systemic approach in organizational studies
organizational studies, environment, holistic approach, systemic approachAbstract
Organizational studies correspond to the various social realities that concern the dynamic relationships and interactions that occur between them and the environment in which they operate. Therefore, according to the criteria of the researchers, the main premise is to understand, understand and explain every organization, from the holistic and systemic approach that make up the whole and the environment of the organization since new organizational paradigms are required adapted to reality. In this sense, the general purpose is to analyze the holistic and systemic approach in organizational studies from an epistemological perspective. Likewise, from the epistemological point of view of this research, it is contextualized from the design of documentary research and the qualitative paradigm, since the methodological approach of the research responds to a certain approach or vision of reality, which allowed to carry out an analysis process through an illustrative matrix that will provide reflections in the investigation. Therefore, as the main investigative reflection, it is highlighted that the epistemological vision of organizational studies is due to a process of integration between investigating, understanding, analyzing and reflecting on the organizational phenomenon.
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