Burnout Syndrome in Dentists of the Peasant Social Security of Chimborazo in the year 2020
burnout syndrome, stress, odontology, MBI-GS test, professional efficiencyAbstract
Burnout Syndrome is caused as an inappropriate consequence of chronic work stress. The objective was to determine the degree of affectation of the Burnout Syndrome in dentists of the Peasant Social Security of Chimborazo in the year 2020. It was an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional and prospective study. We worked with the entire population of 43 professionals. The MBI-GS test was used as a tool, which assesses the Burnout Syndrome in three dimensions and has become the Gold standard, comprising 16 items. As a result, a low professional efficacy was obtained, a dimension presented with the highest percentage reaching 76.7% (33 people), emotional exhaustion with 44.2% (19 people) and finally cynicism with 39.5% (17 people). No inferences were made between the nominal criteria of age, gender and marital status. Two people registered three dimensions high, 14 workers with two, 12 people with one dimension. Finally, 15 dentists did not register factors with high exposure. As a conclusion, a low percentage of Burnout Syndrome was found. The most affected professional efficiency, followed by emotional fatigue and cynicism, allowing to take actions and establish guidelines to control the affected dimensions and avoid the incidence of Burnout Syndrome.
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