Hologramatic in University Mathematical Didactic
hologramatic, didactic, mathematical, universityAbstract
The university teacher in his reflections should seek a didactic intervention, which leads him to redefine thinking, didactic argument and mathematical language for the construction of knowledge, this from a hologramatic perspective, linking these elements, some with respect to others. The teacher is immersed in reductionist and repetitive explanations, which do not give spaces, to incorporate new didactic situations, without allowing their contextualizations, for this was developed the study of the construction of the foundations of the hologram in the didactic thinking of the university teacher in the Area of mathematics, which reshape educational action. The investigation was based on the qualitative research paradigm, using the documentary method, with the design of bibliographic research, supported in the management of hermeneutics, using underlining, signing, interpretation and analysis as a technique. The information processing process was validated with categorization, structuring, testing and triangulation. The results indicated that the teacher, working conventionally, rigid and narrow reflexive action. In conclusion, the teacher must re-dimension his / her cognitive ideals, starting from the systemic construction, so that each part is integrated through the management of knowledge, of all the elements that involve the didactics of mathematics.
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