A Tour of Educational Thinking Towards the Transformation of Education in the XXI Century
education, thought, transformationAbstract
Talking of education involves a journey through the history of thought, of ideas, a place where men have shaped the concept of training between them, Aristotle defines "Education is to direct the feelings of pleasure and pain to the ethical”, to Kant is “The education has as goal the development in the man of the whole perfection that his nature takes with him”; this work proposal was raised on Bolívar’s words (1989:46) education as a social and historical process represents a set of phenomena, processes, practices, that influence the development the subject acting and thinking in the context of certain reality. On this basis, the proposal show that thought and education go hand in hand, showing in the development of the dissertation a number of approaches, assumptions, ideas, dreams and realities from different parts of the world to rediscover the roots of Latin American educational thought, since its most sensitive and libertarian thing of the ideas of the world; hence, the purpose of this working paper is to present the theoretical contributions of educational thought from its roots to converge in Latin America.
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