Interdisciplinarity and Hermeneutics as Pedagogical Resources for the Elaboration of Learning Projects


  • Lizbeth Teresa Villamizar Vega Complejo Educativo “Dr. Raúl Quero Silva”, IUTAJS-IUPSM



interdisciplinarity, hermeneutics, learning projects


The so-called Learning Projects (AP) are considered a methodological strategy conceived in the school and for the school, that must be elaborated in a school year product of a collaborative work between the educative community: students, teachers and managers, but where some teachers Have no clear idea of ​​the linkage they can give to the syllabus contents of the subjects they teach with the learning project, they also do not know that interdisciplinarity and hermeneutics are pedagogical resources that will enable both teachers and students to seek the answer to What does their daily action mean? It is here that the need for a holistic view of the teachers who manage the different curricular units in the technical schools is recognized, where they must search through the APs That the students demonstrate their ability to grant new knowledge, instrumental functionality and usefulness to solve present and future problems that can create critical, reflective, humanistic, liberating and environmental human beings that benefit the community where they are immersed, Where the solution of the problem is solved with the interpretation of the transmitted knowledge, as well as with the new interdisciplinary competences to look for real solutions to real problems.


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How to Cite

Villamizar Vega, L. T. (2017). Interdisciplinarity and Hermeneutics as Pedagogical Resources for the Elaboration of Learning Projects. Revista Scientific, 2(5), 341–355.