Vision of Management in the Management of University Social Responsibility




management, prospective, social responsibility, university


The administrative and managerial sciences generate spaces for research on the contribution of universities in the training of socially responsible professionals. The purpose of this essay is to generate a reflection on the management view of the University Social Responsibility (RSU). The methodical process used to collect the information is supported by the documentary review of some theoretical sketches related to the constructs of the RSU, such as care, management, use of goods and services in pursuit of the benefit of the common good of all the citizens; which should be oriented towards new managerial alternatives that are more efficient to adapt to the complex dynamics of society's growth. Hence, higher education organizations have the responsibility to take measures to protect the environment, in addition to contributing to the welfare of society, as a whole that must respond to organizational interests but also the sustainable development of the country. It was concluded that university social responsibility should focus on promoting a critical and reflective approach by academic managers to go beyond their training jobs, without disciplinary barriers that assume an unstructured attitude of complexity, creating new spaces of present management and future of the academic organization aimed at graduating professionals with relevant knowledge to the demands of contemporary society, people committed to improving the quality of collective life from a planetary view.


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Author Biography

Juan Carlos Pernía, Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, UCLA

Nacido en San Cristóbal, estado Táchira, Venezuela. Abogado Universidad Católica del Táchira, Magister Scientiarum Contaduría Mención Auditoria en la Universidad Centroccidental “Lisandro Alvarado” (UCLA). Catedrático Docente Universitario por Concurso de Oposición Categoría Profesor Asociado. Locutor Certificado Universidad Central de Venezuela. Doctorando en Gerencia Avanzada de la Universidad Fermín Toro (UFT). Investigador.


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How to Cite

Pernía, J. C. (2018). Vision of Management in the Management of University Social Responsibility. Revista Scientific, 3(8), 319–333.

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