Complex and Transdisciplinary Look at the Object of Study of Organizational Sciences
organization, society, enterpriseAbstract
The object of study of the organizational sciences of the whole in the organization, seen as a unit and not as isolated parts of the whole, therefore, according to the previous criteria of the researcher, organizations should not violate the importance of interrelation and complementarity that occurs as a result of the reality of where it is wrapped and is carried out all the processes and activities of the human being, with everything that surrounds it. Therefore, it is presented as a general purpose to analyze the object of study of the organizational sciences from the perspective of the complex and trans-disciplinary paradigm. In this same order of ideas, the study is considered from the design of documentary research and interpretive paradigm, since based on the theoretical foundation developed during the investigation, theoretical aspects and theoretical postulates that allowed to perform a process of analysis and interpretation to through an illustrative matrix that will indicate the result of the theoretical foundation addressed in the research. Therefore, the main investigative reflection highlights the significance that organizations are human and social entities, open, flexible systems that integrate and interrelate, the paradigm, complex and trans-disciplinary.
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